No more ‘nothing to wear’

The sun has been making a lovely appearence recently encouraging me to go shopping for new spring/summer wardrobe goodies. I’ve spent way over what I should have done but I am in love with my new pieces.

Following my start of year clear out of clothes in an attempt to have a more minimalist wardrobe, I have been more fussy and selective with what I purchase. I no longer buy for a future non-existing occassion and I wear my new items as soon as possible to prevent me from hoarding new with tag bits that end up on my ebay!

Because of spending too much I have decided to start photographing my clothes and possible outfit ideas. I will collect these and print them to make a handy outfit bible! This will encourage me to be more creative with how I partner up items, love my clothes more and save money by upcycling what I already own. So far I have been amazed at how changing one thing about an outfit can transform it!




This gorgeous dress cost me £8 in the George sale. I love everything about it and as it is navy blue the colour combinations are endless making this a new staple piece for my wardrobe.

This little project has also identified my style. I never thought I had a particular dress sense but actually I am quite girly and romantic. I love floral prints, light floaty fabrics, simple designs like shift and a line patterns and I love a good elasticated waistline. This will come in handy for when I do go shopping as it should stop me from buying bits that just aren’t me.

With this collection of pictures I will never have the excuse of having nothing to wear!